Full name: Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)
Birth Date: 577 CE
Birth Place: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Education: Literate
Occupation: Caliphs
Predecessor: Abu Bakr
Spouse (s): Zaynab bint Maz’un
Religion: Islam
Hazrat Umar Farooq was a prominent and influential Shaba of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad. Umar served as the 2nd caliph of Islam during his reign Islam gained prosperity, won numerous wars, and existed in peaceful situations throughout his empire. Firstly he was Non-Muslim while he had embraced Islam, then the title ‘Al Farooq’ was given to him which deals distinguish between truth and wrong.
Early Life:
Hazrat Umar Farooq was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 577 CE to the father, Khattab ibn Nufayl and mother Hantama bint Hisham. Umar was a well-educated person which was a rare fact at that time in Arabia, educated persons get much honor. He learned martial art, in his teenage years.
Umar was a courageous, healthy powerful man and known as a renowned wrestler. He had drunk wine before embracing Islam, but after embracing Islam never touch wine according to the description of many.
Umar Career:
In 610, Mohammad began to express the message of Islam but Umar opposed Mohammad’s activists and threatened to kill Mohammad. One day, he went out from home with a sword in hand and attempted to kill Mohammad but on the way came to know that already, his sister and her husband embraced Islam thereby he became more furious, reaching his sister’s house and listening to the sweet tune of the Quran. Being impressed with Quran, he took the religion of Islam.
Umar became caliph in 643 and retained power until September 6, 644 when was assassinated in Medina by a Persian slave. On his deathbed, Umar named a committee of six members to choose his successor. The committee chose the Osman, the third caliph, who ruled from 644 to 665.
Umar’s governance regime was the golden era of the world, during this period there was no conflict or dispute. Indian non-violent protest leader Mahatma Gandhi said:
If India gets a leader like Umar then all the problems of India will be solved.